December 21st marks the longest night and shortest day, in our Northern Hemisphere of the earth. As we approach the winter solstice, it’s a time of significance.

It’s a seminal point in time: an opportunity for Transition, and even, of Rebirth. It’s a time to pause: celebrate (looking back) and anticipate (looking forward). Setting our intention for 2018 is important. This is not ‘New Years Resolutions’ nor setting unrealistic goals or achievements. It’s a deeper layer than that. It’s about honouring your soul and what makes your heart sing. Let’s take a moment right now to embrace this for yourself!

We should try to do everything with intention, for it is our intentions that pave the way forward.

Our Intentions create our Beliefs

            Our beliefs create our thoughts

                        Our thoughts create our actions

                                    Our actions create our character

                                                Our character creates our destiny


Before you enter into this intention-setting exercise, perhaps take a few moments to meditate. Meditation can help you to filter out distraction so that you can be more present, sensitive and articulate with your intentions. You can listen to this audio recording of a classical meditation called ‘The Four Celestial Abodes’, which has been modified by a favourite teacher of mine, Todd Norian.

And now, for intention-setting!

  1. Looking back: take a moment to review this past year. Think about any significant events, challenges, accomplishments. There will be good things and there will also likely be difficult things. Appreciate your strengths, your resilience, and also your weaknesses and what you learned. Acknowledge yourself.
  2. Looking forward: Borrow a page from your review of last year. What are you happy about, what made your heart sing? Think now about this fuels your dreams and hopes for the coming year. Pick a few that are near to your heart. These could be about adjusting your lifestyle, dream accomplishments, or nutruting relationships, including your relationship with yourself. What is your intention for 2017?

As you’ve gone through this blog and hopefully the exercise of mindful intentions, I wish you peace, contentment, clarity and joy in the coming year!

Namaste ~



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