Sandy Leblanc Fit JourneyOver the course of 20 years, Sandy navigated to the top of corporate ladders, juggling career demands and raising a family. This led to high levels of stress, a low immune system and frequent lower back and neck problems. She refocused her own personal journey through fitness, nutrition, and a more mindful lifestyle. And, along the way and through a variety of experiences, she realized that what gave her joy was seeing this same positive growth in others.

This path wasn’t always clear! Like many people, she joined gyms but rarely went; tried fitness classes but lost interest; tried running but found it too difficult. Finally, she decided to look for help.

Taking a ‘Learn to Run’ clinic at the Running Room was literally the first step. Soon, with the right training and encouragement, she was enjoying it. Next, she added yoga and resistance training to the mix. As she focused her physical energy, she experienced mental and emotional benefits as well. Decision-making became clearer but some changes still needed to be made to find that all elusive life balance.

Sandy decided on a complete career change, one that would combine her love of teaching with her interest in fitness and in nurturing personal growth. She pursued Personal Trainer certification with several specialties, and began working with clients. She also became a yoga instructor after years of training in various yoga traditions (Ashtanga, Viniyoga, Kripalu) and an in-depth study of philosophy and meditation.

Distance running continues to be a fitness passion for Sandy, as well as a form of meditation in motion. Sandy co-coaches a Running Room Half Marathon clinic twice a year and continues to find joy in helping that community achieve their long-distance running goals.

In 2011, Sandy opened the Fit Journey studio on Annette Street in Bloor West Village. Sandy brings positive energy and compassion to all aspects of FitJourney and through her teachings, helps others discover their own potential for health and wellness.