How much is enough? How much is too little?

There are 3 prime rules for achieving better performance in sport:

  1. Periodization

There are myriads of training programs and approaches out there, lots of schedules incorporating every conceivable kind of training run, speed drill, hill repeats, warm-ups, distances and challenges. The best training programs and coaching incorporate the backbone of periodization: gradually increasing the ‘load’ (10% per week; distance, speed, strength), and building in recovery time/workouts – creating peaks and valleys in the progression to allow your body to safely get stronger and more capable. Periodization will incorporate progressive overload, and specificity.

NOTE: Our cardio adapts first, then muscles, then ligaments, tendons & joints.

  1. Consistency

Be as diligent as possible to stick to your training program, try not to skip a session unless life interferes. If you DO miss a run or two, it might be best to pick up where you left off, rather than jumping ahead a week in the training schedule. This may mean rejigging the schedule to keep Rule #1, Moderation, paramount.

(People who break Rule #2 often also break Rule #1!)

  1. Rest & Recovery

Incorporating rest is essential, apart from the training schedule. Think about rest the same way you think of your training workouts: as a conscious physical activity essential to your program and your well-being.


One of the most perplexing contraindications about running is, there is such a thing as running too much!

More isn’t always better.

To learn more about periodization, training schedules, and the signs and symptoms of overtraining……

Cross Train Runners Online

8 Weeks of Strategic Strength
Training (30 min workouts)
and 8 Coaching Videos

Coaching Long Distance Runners

8 Coaching Videos (5 - 6 min each)
on topics such as Periodization,
Heart Rate Training, The Mental Game

Train intelligently, consistently, and wisely!


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