Elite runners glide like gazelles, you can hardly see their legs!

And, we’ve all seen crazy running form, even by top performers! Yet that is the exception. Working on our form – even tiny tweeks – can have a profound effect on our performance.

Improving running form is about gaining EFFICIENCY.

Efficiency of movement, of effort, of your breath. When we’re efficient in our gait and form, we feel fluid, and almost relaxed (in spite of the work!). Having said that, it is difficult to really change your running form, whether you’re a heel striker, mid-foot, or ball of the foot push off, so work with what you’ve got!

Your daily posture & habits will translate to your running form. 

Good postural form in your day to day activities will translate to your running.  And of course, the flip side is if we don’t have good postural form in our daily life, for example sitting with legs crossed, rounding forward, head looking down . . . when we come to our running we’ll be inclined to take the same form, which makes it very inefficient for movement, effort and breathing.

Most Form Errors can be Corrected! 

To learn more about postural alignment and running form, and form errors that we can easily correct, sign up for our

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