The past 3 – 4 weeks have flown by! Because I love lifting weights (both during the exercise, and how you feel after), getting 3 good workouts in a week has been a joy! Eating the right food has been much more of a challenge – I’ll talk about that more in another post.

Back at the beginning, I took measurements of my weight, % body fat, % water, % muscle, bone density, and of my main body parts. I am not going to revisit those metrics til the end of the 8 weeks. Well, okay, I have stepped on the scale a few times and see it moving in the right direction!

I was pleased to see my left and right thighs were the same diameter, and surprised that my left arm was ½” bigger than my right. Odd, I play tennis with my right am, I guess that means I’m leaner on the right arm and have more fat on my left? Am working to correct that over the 8 weeks with single arm lifts, choosing a weight I can manage with the left (which is weaker) and using the same weight on the right. Let’s see if my theory works!

I also found out during my favourite leg workout with machines, that even though my thighs are the same diameter, they’re not equal! My left quads are strong than the right, and my right hamstrings are stronger than the left. Wah?! So, same thing, doing a lot more single leg exercises now. It takes a little longer, but my balance is improving, and I’m adding in some plyometrics (dynamic jumping movements, single sided).

Perhaps my biggest delight comes from the effects of skipping! After a ‘trippy’ start, I’m easy with the skipping now, averaging 5 – 8 minutes per day. Last week, we had a challenging hill run which we call Tough Love 5.0 – 5 beauts of hills in our High Park neighbourhood. I’ll admit, I was sort of dreading it in the day, but that night, once I got up the first hill (Ellis Park Road for those who know it), I noticed how strong I felt and that my breathing was able to stay steady (2 steps inhale, 2 steps exhale). Just a head up, folks, there will be skipping in your workouts to come! What a boost!

Now I wish I had more than 8 weeks! Once this is done, and we get the videos wrapped, I’m going to set another goal and keep going!

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